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Over recent years we have made substantial investments in new machinery to further expand our extensive range of drum specifications. This investment has enabled us to offer additional specifications to our standard drums such as:

UN Reduced Head Container Compatible Open Top Drums

These drums are designed to fit easily and efficiently into shipping containers. They are available as Category 1 solids and Category 2 liquid drums.

‘W’ Shape Rolling Hoops

These drums have an inverted ‘W’ shape rolling hoop as opposed to standard rolling hoops. The key advantage of this drum design is for ease of loading into containers.

Drums with Corrugations

We can now offer the option of corrugations in the drum design. The main advantage of the corrugations is to add strength to the drum body. This is especially useful for lighter gauge drums.

UN Reduced Head Container Compatible Open Top Drums
‘W’ Shape Rolling Hoops
Drums with Corrugations
Various Spec Steel Drums